General Theme and Sub-themes


We are an empowered People of God guided by the Holy Spirit to walk together towards oneness and active participation in the mission of the Church.


We are a community gifted to give witness (living out) with gratitude in joyful faith, mercy, compassion, and hope especially in these uncertain times.

This year's General Theme and 1st Semester's Theme:

• We are God’s beloved, inspired by Mother Mary, St. Teresa of Avila, and Mother Marie Louise De Meester joyfully coming together, engaging, and accompanying the youth in mission.

• We Are Beloved and Gifted

shall be our guide as we continue to inspire the Theresian youth to become changemakers in the world.

Let your daughter’s giftedness flourish in STCQC.


School Year 2018 - 2019

General Theme: "We are communion of communities, sharing in the mission of Jesus in transforming the world through humble and loving service."

Sub-theme: "We are a communion of faith, hope, and mercy."

SY 2017-2018


SY 2016-2017
