• Launching of the General Theme and 1st Semester Sub-theme

    Launching of the General Theme and 1st Semester Sub-theme

    General Theme: "We are communion of sharing in the mission of Jesus in transforming the world through humble and loving service."

    Sub-theme: "We are a communion of faith, hope, and mercy."
    July 6, 2018

    Sr. Marie Madeleine Multi Purpose Gym


    The launching of the general theme and the first semester’s sub-theme

    was spearheaded by the LRC-IMC staff, Grades 2,4, and 6 levels.

              The general theme for this school year is “We are a communion of communities sharing in the mission of Jesus in transforming the world through humble and loving service while the first semester’s  sub-theme  is “We are a communion of faith, hope, and mercy.


    Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfXd32Kb1icLCC380WxzbLPJKkq07PazCPXeUJvaKef4CCU-Q/viewform


