Kindergarten Curriculum
St. Theresa’s College, Q.C. believes that a child should be equipped with essential life skills that hone her capabilities during her formative years. As such, the Kindergarten Program of St. Theresa’s College, Q.C. is geared towards the holistic development of each child. Since June 2010, the program has been implemented and continuously enhanced according to the goals and objectives of the K to 12 Curriculum.
The program equips every child with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values as she explores the world around her. It provides a creative and stimulating environment where a child can be excited about learning as she develops her interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.
St. Theresa’s College, Q.C., provides the Kindergarten pupils with a secure, respectful, child-friendly, and nurturing environment. It provides a positive and healthy environment that motivates the pupils to develop fully their potentials and maximize their learning. The classrooms are designed to be self-contained where the pupils share the same experiences academically and non-academically based on the K to 12 Curriculum. Varied and interesting classroom-based and outdoor activities allow the pupils to develop the following 21st C skills:
Reading Comprehension Skills
Vocabulary Development
Grammar Awareness
Speaking Skills
Oral English and Filipino Language Fluency
Writing Skills
Critical and Analytical Thinking
People’s or Social Skills
A kindergarten graduate is an active member of the Filipino community who puts God in the center of her life, respects the authority, follows the common good, nurtures the culture of peace, cares for the poor and the environment, and lives harmoniously with other people.
Grade School Curriculum
A PAASCU Accredited School Level III
Grade School Curriculum
Christian Living
To develop a deep and personal relationship with Christ through:
* a well- planned, relevant and inculturated program of religious formation: and
* opportunities for regular participation in the Eucharistic celebrations, confessions, prayers, reflections, recollections, bible study and contextualized liturgical and para- liturgical celebrations
To acquire increasing facility in correct, proper, distinct and effective means of oral and written communication in the expression of one’s feelings, ideas and experiences in everyday life
To develop the necessary skills in communicating Filipino as the primary medium of and to provide learning- experiences that will promote nationalism, preserve our cultural heritage, and foster unity among our people
Sibika at KulturaTo study the growth of communities and nations through significant and relevant events in the quest of the Filipino people and other Third World peoples for justice, peace, sovereignty and solidarity; and to understand, critique and appreciate the genuine socio- cultural heritage, that brings about a better quality of life and social relationships
MathematicsTo strengthen understanding of the number system, computational skills in the application of mathematical principles, reasoning ability in analyzing numerical situations pertinent to everyday life and the capacity to look at all of these, among others, in function of the Social Thrust
ScienceTo acquire and utilize scientific knowledge and skills by using inquiry as a way of thinking and by solving scientific as well as everyday problems relative to one’s environment and its resources, thus enabling one to promote and sustain a quality of life contributive to the welfare of society
Music EducationTo enhance the development and appreciation of the sentiments, aspirations and beauty of rhythm, melody and harmony embodied in Philippine, Asian and other folk and classical music
Practical ArtsTo develop positive values, attitudes, skills and habits needed for the creative expression of ideas and ideals through varied art materials, as a source of enjoyment and as a manifestation of responsiveness to society
To provide basic learnings and meaningful experiences in personality development, home management and family economics in view of an increasing effectivity in contributing to community building
To realize the value of good planning, order, precision and purposefulness in all undertakings; to appreciate the value and dignity of work balanced with a capacity for healthy recreation and relaxation.
Physical EducationTo develop and maintain sound, creative and indigenous health and physical education programs which enhance the holistic well- being of mind, spirit and body
Computer EducationTo acquire knowledge about the different elements of a computer system and how each part works and to provide hands- on activities that will develop the skill and confidence of the students on computer lesson application
Grade School Curriculum
A PAASCU Accredited School Level III
Grade School Curriculum
The High School Department offers an enriched curriculum that more than conforms to the Department of Education’s requirement. Its curricular offerings aim at a holistic formation of the each student that focuses on virtue, science and the arts; promotes leadership in service, excellence in both academics and character and advocacy through discipleship.
The core of the curriculum is Religion. The subject areas (CA English, CA Filipino, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, TLE / Computer, PEHM) are further supplemented by Electives in the different year levels namely: Speech I and II in the first and second year levels respectively and Advance Algebra in the third year. The fourth year electives (Research Elective, CWJ, Media Arts, Visual Arts, Environment Education, Basic Psychology, and Advanced Computer and Basic Bookkeeping) are designed as a preparation for their course in college and address their interests. Furthermore, the different Student Enrichment Groups are an extension of each of the subject areas including the Guidance and the LRC.