Yesterday, April 22, 2020, the Administration sent out an Official Announcement regarding no increase in fees for SY 2020-2021, and other information related to enrolment for SY 2020-2021, the year-end rites, and release of school records.
In view of some feedback, comments, and reactions that the Administration received regarding the post particularly on enrolment dates, the Administration deems it proper to respond to the concerns through this communication. This way, the Administration will have more opportunity to explain the perspective behind the announcement to the people concerned.
First, we recognize the catastrophic effect COVID 19 has brought to our lives. We need not say more about it. But just like any family, any institution, any organization, any government, life has to go on. So while it is true that everything depends on government directive as to what happens after April 30, 2020, St. Theresa's College, Q.C. cannot just sit down and wait and see. The school has to have its own plan to keep her focused and prepared. Whether this plan materializes or not is not a problem to us. Having a plan to guide the school through in the next action that she needs to take is important to us.
The announcement sent out yesterday which mentioned the enrolment days for the coming school year was to simply give our parents and stakeholders a HEADS UP for their own guidance and consideration. To give out last minute information and keep our parents unprepared is the last thing the school wants to do. Citing from one of the Department of Education (DepEd) communications, we quote, " The Law says classes should open first week of June up to the last day of August." While St. Theresa's College, Q.C. understands that it does not operate in a normal situation now, it does not give her the license, either, to just wait and see how things unfold. STCQC has to have some plan and be ready and prepared.
It should be noted that in the announcement issued yesterday by St. Theresa's College, Q.C. there was no mention of the opening of classes yet. This only clearly shows that the school waits for developments and updates from the government, and is willing to implement orders based on government directive. If the opening of classes is pushed later than our set dates, then, enrolment will be moved, extended. Let it be known to all that even in the past (with or without COVID19), St. Theresa's College, Q.C. has always been flexible, considerate, understanding, and compassionate of our Theresian families in many ways, much more when it comes to the state of their children's education.
In that same communication from the DepEd cited above, it says and we quote," Education must continue whether face to face, with or without physically going to school." In this respect, we ask you to trust the School Administration. We have plans for this. We cannot go to the battle unarmed, so to speak. We are just waiting for the right time to give our parents, students, teachers the proper orientation regarding this.
Lastly, let it be clear that St. Theresa's College, Q.C. shall abide by all the directives that will be issued by the Department of Education. The school also wants to express that if the announcement has caused some undue anxiety or anger, it was never intended. On the contrary, the school thought that a "no increase" in fees would be seen as the school's way of expressing solidarity with the parents in this time of pandemic.
As stated in the Official Announcement issued yesterday, information regarding Graduation, Recognition Day, and release of grades/records shall be given in another communication. This letter simply intends to respond to some reactions regarding the Announcement.
Once again, we would like to say that this fight is not yours alone, dear parents. We are all in this together. This pandemic has brought to fore WHO WE ALL ARE in this world. Let us continue to work hand in hand in putting back some normalcy in our lives. Everyone's safety and health is our concern as well.
We place all our TRUST and HOPE in God, the SOURCE of all GOOD.
The STCQC Administration